Some of us went out and skied the North End Trails which just so happen to coincide with the Birkie Trail for a few meters here and there.
The North End Trails, with one roll and pass, are soft and slow.
The Birkie Trail, however, looks great. They’ve plowed a lot of the snow off and tilled everything else in. It has been regroomed since the open track this morning and set up well, and that’s before a nice cold evening. And it will certainly get at least one more groom and till before the Birkie, maybe more. I would assume the Birkie will focus on the Kortelopet course this evening and then maybe go hit the Birkie early in the morning when it’s down around zero.
Anyway, as usual, the Birkie knows how to groom and has the equipment to do it. The course will be solid, and pretty fast. It’s going to be a good Birkie.