Registration closed

The registration for the Birkie is officially closed. A month earlier than last year. We have some suggestions on how to increase the number of slots in the race without overwhelming the current infrastructure. But for this year, if you haven’t registered yet, it’s too late. But, of course, will continue to provide race updates for the 9000(+) of you who did make the cut.

Welcome to the new

Does this page look different? It sure should. We’ve migrated to a new set-up which should make it a bit better looking. (The exception is that the statistics, while linked from this page, are separate for now as they use separate databases to run.) The Guide is mostly complete, but we’ll add to it as race day approaches. I posted my race reports here if you want some light reading. 2011‘s was only 5000+ words long.

Feel free to poke around, and email me at ari dot ofsevit at gmail if you have any questions or find any bugs!

Thanks, and WELCOME!

(Oh, and go register. There are fewer than 1000 spots left!)